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Saturday 18 August 2012

How To Make Move To a Girl When She Is In A Group ?

Let me share my experience of today .
I was with my friends in the mall and I saw a girl with her group , and we accidentally passed over each other by 3-4 times , then my mind strikes and i open my own blog for the tips (short term memory loss  lol).

Here what I do :-

1)I just captured my friends pic in such a way that she accidentally comes in the frame .

2)Then I move forward turned around and start moving towards her .

3) I start talking to my friend and ask him who is this girl in the picture bro , in red dress , blue band (that was her description actually .)

4) she suddenly stops me and ask me how did I get her pic in my mobile .

5) I told her by mistake

And then start my moves by my talks , I had her number friends .

Don't worry I am not going to share that, work hard yourself for that .

Enjoy ,,,,,

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